Sixteenth Cytometry Development Workshop:
Technologies for Cell Analysis
October 20-23, 2006
Asilomar Conference Center
Pacific Grove, California

Held with the endorsement of
ISAC, the International Society for Analytical Cytology
Robert F. Murphy & Howard Shapiro
Sponsored by:
Overview of Program
Detailed Program
Past Workshops

The Sixteenth "Cytometry Development Workshop: Technologies for Cell Analysis" will be held from October 20th to 23rd, 2006 at the beautiful Asilomar Conference Grounds on the Monterrey Peninsula in Pacific Grove, California.

The purpose of this workshop series is to bring together those people directly involved in the development of the technologies for cell analysis, including both flow cytometry and image cytometry. A number of important developments in cytometry had their origins at the Workshop, including development of digital pulse processing approaches for flow cytometers, initial discussions of designs for low cost cytometers for AIDS monitoring in developing countries, development of "Q & B" analysis of fluorescence sensitivity in flow, and development of standardization materials and protocols for cytometry. In recent years, a major focus has been on high-throughput systems and proteomics.

The workshop will not be a forum for discussion of applications per se, but applications are frequently discussed as they relate to the development of new technologies. Every attendee is required to participate actively and make a positive contribution by discussing their current research, experiences, and needs. This is not a forum for observers. However, the organizers ensure that no one dominates discussion.

The program for the workshop is entirely determined by the interests of the attendees (see links for past workshops for typical sets of discussion topics). Each attendee must volunteer to present at least one topic (hopefully more than one). The presentations do not need to be about completed work - presentations on work in progress or problems being encountered in a project are very welcome. Each presenter may hold the floor for no more than 10 minutes. However, there is no limit on the number of topics that each attendee may present. The purpose of the 10 minute rule is to guarantee that everyone has an opportunity to make their presentations. Attendees may also volunteer to present a 15 minute tutorial on one or more subjects that they feel would be of general interest.

A lot of background material is not needed. All attendees of this Workshop will be experienced in the field; please limit the use of published data (other than in tutorials). Our intention is that this workshop will be a forum for helping one another; to discuss recent developments that make research at your laboratory/company easier and more productive and that might help others. For your presentations we will provide overhead projectors and computer projection. There will be no sound or film recording of any presentation.

The early workshop registration fee (before July 1) is only $100 (this fee is waived for students and first-time attendees). Student awards are also available to cover housing and meal costs. The cost of lodging at Asilomar includes all meals, which are served in a common dining hall. The workshop will begin at 4:30 on Friday, October 20th (rooms are available at 3:00 PM) and the workshop will conclude at 9:00 PM on Monday, October 23rd (charges for room on Monday night and breakfast and lunch on Monday are included in the package price). Afternoons are usually unscheduled to allow participants free time to enjoy the area and for individual discussions.

If you are interested in attending the workshop, please fill out the Workshop Registration Form and FAX, email or mail it to Bob Murphy as soon as possible. The information from this form is used to plan the program for the workshop. Please also mail a check for $100 ($250 after July 1) payable to Cytometry Development Workshop to Bob Murphy as well. The workshop fee is waived for students and first-time attendees who register by July 1. Please also mail or FAX the Housing Registration Form directly to the Asilomar Conference Center. The Conference Center requires us to guarantee a minimum number of rooms, and we are charged for rooms that are guaranteed but not used. Space can therefore only be guaranteed for those whose forms are RECEIVED by July 1st. Those who register late may still be able to attend the workshop, but may have to find other housing if space at Asilomar is no longer available.

Robert F. Murphy
Depts of Biological Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
4400 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: (412) 268-3480
FAX: (412) 268-6571
Howard Shapiro
Shapiro Laboratory
283 Highland Ave.
West Newton, MA 02465-2513
Phone: 617-783-8392
FAX: 617-783-4750

P.S. Spouses are encouraged to come to Asilomar. It is a beautiful vacation spot (near Pebble Beach and the quaint artists' village of Carmel) and the weather is always nice in October.